hello! i am a student and photographer with a strong passion for problem solving, fostering creativity through software, and exploring the intersection of art and technology.

currently studying computer science @ the university of texas at dallas.


pixi-cli is a straightforward, user-friendly command-line utility designed for speedy image conversion and basic image processing tasks. Convert images across multiple common image formats such as JPG, PNG, BMP, CSV, and TIFF, make quick and easy edits to your photos, and view rich image metadata, all from the convenience of your terminal.

You can read more about pixi-cli here, or you can jump right in and install it with pip:
pip install pixi-cli

Dallas Skybot is a Twitter bot that automatically captures, processes, and tweets images from a live video stream of the Dallas skyline. The bot enhances the images, determines the average color of the sky above the skyline, matches this color to the closest Pantone color, and tweets the results.